YouTube I just started a YouTube channel and I really want to post some videos but currently I am not able to because there are so many new things. Everything changes and I just need time to get used to it. I have many ideas for cool vlogs and other projects. For example I want to collect peoples' first impressions on Taiwan and Taipei. I want to record this with my iPad. My aim is to post a Video like this every 5 to 8 weeks and see if something changes. Maybe due to weather or other circumstances in Taiwan. Walkabout Tour The Walkabout Tour is part of my work as trainee in Topology Travel ( ). It is a tour for locals to visit uncommon places in and around Taipei. Jesper, another trainee, and I are supposed to, first be a tour guide for a recent tour and then create our own tour to a place we decide. I really appreciate this work because it is very independent and we have much space to do the things the way we want to. We have many ideas and enough ti...