Some difficulties are heading up in front of me
Unfortunately I got injured on Friday last week. While playing soccer a teammate accidently ran into me and now my intraarticular ligament at my right ankle is torn. So I will do my best to get on my feet in time and all things done. I am glad to have a great family which supports me. This is kind of a new challange.
Now the actual topic this blog is about:
Step by step
Sill much to do but the lists are getting smaller and smaller!! YAY!
I was at SportScheck and found a few things like eye-shades and a nice neckpillow, but there are still many things I need to find. Additional everything I buy has to be as small as possible due to weight limits.
I think some of the stuff I will buy in the internet like a keyboard for my iPad or a small sleeping bag.
Another weired thing is the financial situation. I opened a extra account with a bank to get a free
VISA-card, which allows me to draw money without costs all over the world.
I am still figuring out how this huge complex works. It feels like I got 100 new access keys for everything, but it works.
So thats it for the moment. Due to my injury I wasn't able to do more, Friday will be more :)
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+++ New entry every Monday and Friday! +++
Unfortunately I got injured on Friday last week. While playing soccer a teammate accidently ran into me and now my intraarticular ligament at my right ankle is torn. So I will do my best to get on my feet in time and all things done. I am glad to have a great family which supports me. This is kind of a new challange.
Now the actual topic this blog is about:
Step by step
Sill much to do but the lists are getting smaller and smaller!! YAY!
I was at SportScheck and found a few things like eye-shades and a nice neckpillow, but there are still many things I need to find. Additional everything I buy has to be as small as possible due to weight limits.
I think some of the stuff I will buy in the internet like a keyboard for my iPad or a small sleeping bag.
Another weired thing is the financial situation. I opened a extra account with a bank to get a free
VISA-card, which allows me to draw money without costs all over the world.
I am still figuring out how this huge complex works. It feels like I got 100 new access keys for everything, but it works.
So thats it for the moment. Due to my injury I wasn't able to do more, Friday will be more :)
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+++ New entry every Monday and Friday! +++
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