Topology Travel
Peter - Thank you for being a nice boss, although we didn't see each other a lot, I always enjoyed working with you.
Steve - Especially developing and improving the walkabout tour was an everyday joy. Thank you for all your kindness and advice.
Core - Always a smile on your face and a happy welcome. Working with you was a pleasure for me.
Linda - I still remember all the times we laughed together in office! Even a bad day turned good with a afternoon sitting next to you!
Jesper - I hope you are fine and still remember the time we got lost around Taipei Zoo! It was a pleasure to work with you and doing the walkabout tours with you!!
Alan - We spent some time doing music together! I also enjoyed our visit in Tamsui University! Thank you for giving me this opportunities.
To the rest of the office:
I am sorry if I didn't meniton you here. I enjoyed working with you and all the fun times we had in office. I learned a lot from you about the Taiwanese culture and style of living. Tank you for sharing this with me!
I hope to meet you soon!
FlipFlop Hostel
Jasper - Thank you for taking me to all those awesome places in Taipei! You were one of the best bosses I had. Very cool and great person!
Joey - For you too! I really loved to work and stay in Flip Flop Hostel. I wish you, Jasper and your little child only the best!
Jim - DUDE! Thank you for showing me around Taipei! Hope you come visit Cologne again soon ;) :D
Flona, Kaka, Deffy, Dabin, Chia-ai, Fan Chinag, Way, Matthias,Yi Hsien Tseng, Kian Onn:
Thank you all for that good and awesome time in the hostel! Thank you for all the company you gave and the stories you told. You made every day that I was there!
Sam - Thank you for doing sports with me and all the good talks and conversations that we had! I really hope we meet in the future!
David - One of the first persons I met in Taipei. Thank you for showing me where to eat and drink! Hope you are fine!
Jia Jiun - Still thinking of the good talks we had from time to time. Although we didn't have alot of time together I hope we see each other again!
Michelle and Sara - You both are awesome singers! I loved to make music with you! That is still a remarkable memory!
Myriam - You were one of my best friends in Taipei! It was always good to see you and chat with you. Sometimes you were a bit like a mentor to me and I really enjoyed sitting in the lobby with you and talk about all the stuff that we thought about. Tank you!
Special thanks to:
Lamai: Dude you are awesome! Thank you for the nice evening that we had at 石梯灣118民宿The music strore at 108, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wanhua District, 台3線 (next to MO'S Burger) - The staff is very nice and I always looked forward to visiting you and play drums!
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